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Wednesday, December 8, 2021
11am – 7pm EST


Your someday is now.

The help desk is closed.
Call or text Jack Hollingsworth at 404-975-0808

Event Updates

Attendee Etiquette

Here are guidelines for how you show up to get the most out of the event:

  1. WEBCAM ETIQUETTE: With most virtual events, video is one-way. And attendees sit there passively, spending more time out of the game than in it. Not at this workshop. Treat this like an actual in-person mastermind, together in a virtual room. We ask that you enable your webcam during this event, so we can see you, and so can your fellow attendees. You will be interacting in real time with us and other attendees in large and small groups and your body language is imperative…making today one of the most fun and valuable virtual experiences you’ve EVER been a part of.  (PS – Be aware that you are on camera and don’t have a Supreme Court virtual moment…mute and go off camera for bathroom breaks.)
  2. BEING PRESENT: We only have this short time together, so it’s important that you show up and be present. Resist the urge to multi-task (which is really no-tasking because you can’t do either well) and “actively listen” to the speakers as you would at a regular conference. Keep your phone on “do not disturb” and turn your email and social media notifications off to minimize distractions.
  3. HIGH PERFORMANCE: Hydrate, caffeinate, eat. Repeat. Get a good night’s sleep the night before and show up with supplies to stay hydrated, caffeinated and fueled with healthy snacks on hand.
  4. ON TIME IS STEP ONE TO SAYING YES TO YOURSELF: Showing up for yourself means planning for the unexpected and giving yourself enough time to be on time. You are about to embark on a live virtual experience that will not be repeated.  There are no replays.  The real time engagement, chat, Q&A…you can’t have those moments back.  Block the time on your calendar now and plan to be present for the entirety.
  5. CONVERSATION: You will have real time access to chat with other attendees and speakers. Use this space to network with the other amazing people on there, and let them get to know you, share “a-has,” ask questions or look for resources.(And, we know you are a smart cookie, but let’s just get this out of the way….no soliciting, using profane language or doing anything other than being awesome inside of chat. Because we don’t tolerate the un-awesome and you will be removed, without notice, and without refund. And nobody wants that.)
  6. GETTING TO KNOW YOU: Take the time during small group breakouts to connect with fellow attendees. For when you show up, connecting with others who do is an incredible way to grow an incredible community.
  7. HAVE ONE HECK OF A GOOD TIME: This is your day to show up and immerse yourself deliciously in your dreams. Enjoy every minute of it, because…

…your “someday” is now.

Let’s start off the way the good Lord intended, with a virtual high ten.

Because your journey starts right now.

After generating over a billion dollars in sales through course development, launches and social media marketing campaigns, working alongside ROI-driven icons such as Kevin “Mr. Wonderful” O’Leary, Dan Kennedy, Bill Glazer, Natalie Cole, Dr. Nido Qubein, and Rich Schefren…just to name a few…

And having spoken on stages alongside the biggest names in our industry such as Tony Robbins, Grant Cardone, Barbara Corcoran, and Russell Brunson…

I know this to be true…

The biggest thing that separates those who soar to success from those who, well, don’t, is that those who do, show up. Even when they don’t feel like it. Even when they are scared. Even when everyone else around them who “doesn’t get it” tells them they are crazy…

They keep showing up.

And guess what happens then?

It gets easier.

Not only because the steps that first seemed hard become your regular routine, and a struggle to walk becomes a joy to run… for taking action creates clarity.

But also because when you follow a roadmap with others who are going in the same direction with you, together you create a force that pushes all forward. These are “your people” and not only do they get it, but they get you. And they are here to encourage, inspire and cheer you on.

All while generating impact-driven income, with profit-rich course launches that scale at will. Not just for the revenue generated, but by the lives changed with the reach of the programs launched…

With messages only you can tell to reach those only you can serve. 

For you are exactly what the world needs right now.

And I am selfishly thrilled that you showed up.

Because my purpose is to give you a fast path to get you out there, achieving your purpose, being well paid for the work only you can do.

I am going to show up and give 150%. I just ask you to give 100%. Because we’ve only got a short time together…


Trust the process,

Do the work,

Fight the urge to skip a moment, because that could just be your moment, 

And declare that your “someday” is now.


Kim “#MySomedayIsNowAndSoIsYours” Walsh Phillips

Event Resources

Share Your Story

Promote yourself & your experience at The One Day Launch Workshop

Tell a Story,
Save a Live Project

Every person’s story matters. and yours just might save a life. 

Entrepreneurs are silently suffering. There is no boss to check in,  manager to lean on…

Too many suffer from anxiety, depression and hopelessness with the heartbreaking feeling that they are alone.

But we can change that. Because they aren’t alone.

Funds will be used to produce a documentary featuring well known thought leaders on their previous struggles, how they overcame them and why it matters.

The best in business, the ground shakers, the movement makers, the life changers… have gone through these dark moments and as we shed a light, the shame will disappear and more will seek help.  The stigma will lift. 

The mission is not over until there is no one at risk.  

Ready to save a life? Join us.